
Light Years Ahead: Diowave high-power stealth micro-pulse laser technology

Outperform Any Knife, Needle, Pill!

As the founder of Class IV FDA Cleared Laser Therapy and developers of Stealth Micro-Pulse Technology, we have over 17 years of experience in advancing high-power laser technology. (HDLT) resulting in the development of the industry’s most advanced Class IV laser therapy systems.

Diowave Laser Systems has developed the most advanced laser therapy systems available in today’s laser therapy industry. As the founders of Class IV Laser Therapy and developers of Stealth Micro-Pulse Technology; Diowave’s High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT) systems offer a variety of medical practitioners and industry care providers, such as physical therapist, chiropractors, Pain management specialists, podiatrist, athletic trainers, and massage therapists, a painless, non-surgical, and side-effect free way to treat conditions previously refractive to traditional medical care.